Too Fat For A Friend

Violet Escalera
4 min readNov 14, 2018

Prompt #33 Dialogue only

“person measuring someone waist line” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Why are those two talking so loud? I mean… really! If I wanted to overhear conversations I’d sit next to them!

“You realize why we turned you down for our movie, right? Think about it, Suzanne, we need someone that is… shall I say less-rounded than you?”

“My size should not be an issue for that part! I can lose weight if that’s what you need me to do, Ray.”

“I understand, Suzanne. Even though we’ve been friends for many years you’ve claimed that but have never followed through.”

“It’s because I’ve never had a reason. Ray, you promised me that part! Please! I beg of you, at least give me the chance. Please!”

If he’d only give her the chance, then I could move on with my business and not have to worry about him breaking her heart. I know I won’t be able to finish my dinner if this keeps up. Now, my stomach is in knots. I remember when that happened to me. It sure hurt me when they turned me down after promising me the lead position.

“It really is time for me to go, Suzanne. There’s nothing else that can be said. Lose the weight and you will get the position.”

“How long do I have to lose the weight?”

“Two weeks at the least and a month at the most. I will hold off as long as I…



Violet Escalera

I have 5 children and 2 grandchildren, a Christian, and my husband is my best friend. Take a look at my creative writing, poetry, thoughts on God, and sci-fi!