Member-only story
The Original Story, The Pie (Part 1)
I’ve kept to the original in this story.
Hi! My name is Roger Rabbit, and I live with my mom, Renee Rabbit. I’d like to tell you about the time Rufus and I hid from mom- no, on second thought I’ll tell you about the pie.
Last year mom made three pies. “For us to eat tonight,” my mother explained. That day was her birthday and I didn’t know what to get her. Suddenly, I had an idea. I let dad and Rufus in on the idea. You’d think that Rufus, being a younger brother and all, would let out secrets. He’s pretty cool about keeping them, as long as you tell him it’s a secret.
Mom set the pies on the window sill to cool off. When she had turned her back to it, I grabbed a pie and ran for it. My only problem was- one of the Robins had been sitting on the tree next to the house. He saw me and told my mom.
“ROGER RABBIT!!! BRING BACK MY PIE!!!” my mom yelled. Ordinarily I would have come back with it. This time, however, I’d have to tell mom what I had planned so I kept on running.
Idashed through the woods and sneaked back to our neighbors house. I heard her stirring around after I knocked on the door. I forgot to tell you that our neighbor is also a relative. Mrs. Becky Bunny is her name and she happens to be our second cousin.