Member-only story
Seeking the Answer to the Question!
Which One?
What is the question?
As I sat and pondered on the answer, my brain began to do some crazy things. First, it decided to wander into nothingness, so I had to bring it back under subjection. Second, it started thinking of other things that needed doing around the house. Third, when I tried to return to the question, it balked. Fourth, it then wandered back into nothingness.
Is this only me? Why can’t I control my brain and do what I set out to do? Today isn’t the only day it happened. It happens, well… um… hmmm, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Don’t get me wrong! Most of the time, I don’t even notice it. After reading that last sentence, I now have to wonder where my brain goes. In fact, how do I ever accomplish anything?
It reminds me of those times that I know I have to do something, so I get up to do it. On my way, I do two or three other things. By the time I arrive at my destination, I no longer know what I meant to do. I mill about for a couple of minutes then return to my starting place.
“Oh, yeah!” I tell myself. “Better get in there and do it, now, before you forget.”
Immediately, I return and accomplish what I should have done half an hour or so earlier.