Martial Arts

Oh, so I made it to the next level.

Violet Escalera
3 min readAug 11, 2021

After testing, I received a yellow belt. It definitely surprised me because I never thought I’d make it. On top of that, I decided that I wanted to continue doing it.

I’ll let you in on a secret as to why I originally began martial arts.

We wanted our daughters to know how to defend themselves. Knowing my daughters, I wanted to defend myself against them should they decide to throw me to the ground when I told them to do their chores.

Hmmm… I know, a crazy reason to go, right?

Still, within a few months of beginning, I had a yellow belt. I also began understanding and enjoying it. When I visited my sister in Missouri, I decided I would start working hard on it. She worked a lot, so I practiced everything three times in a row on the days she worked.

Once I returned home, I spent time working on my self-defense along with the forms. It didn’t seem like I went far fast. In fact, when I went to Kenpo, I felt stupid more often than not. It was more than likely because I knew that I didn’t do it perfectly and messed up repeatedly.



Violet Escalera

I have 5 children and 2 grandchildren, a Christian, and my husband is my best friend. Take a look at my creative writing, poetry, thoughts on God, and sci-fi!